À propos

She was ''The Angel of the Baths'', the one woman whose touch everybody yearned for. Yet she would do more. She was certain of that. In the city of Bath, in the year 1865, an extraordinary young woman renowned for her nursing skills is convinced that some other destiny will one day show itself to her. But when she finds herself torn between a dangerous affair with a female lover and the promise of a conventional marriage to an apparently respectable doctor, her desires begin to lead her towards a future she had never imagined. Meanwhile, on the wild island of Borneo, an eccentric British ''rajah'', Sir Ralph Savage, overflowing with philanthropy but compromised by his passions, sees his schemes relentlessly undermined by his own fragility, by man''s innate greed and by the invasive power of the forest itself. Jane''s quest for an altered life and Sir Ralph''s endeavours become locked together as the story journeys across the globe - from the confines of an English tearoom to the rainforests of a tropical island via the slums of Dublin and the transgressive fancy-dress boutiques of Paris. Islands of Mercy is a novel that ignites the senses, and is a bold exploration of the human urge to seek places of sanctuary in a pitiless world.

  • Auteur(s)

    Rose Tremain

  • Éditeur

    Random House Uk

  • Distributeur


  • Date de parution


  • EAN


  • Disponibilité


  • Nombre de pages

    384 Pages

  • Poids

    330 g

  • Support principal

    Grand format

Infos supplémentaires : Broché  

Rose Tremain

Couronnée par le prix Femina en 1994 pour Le Royaume interdit, Rose Tremain est une des plus grandes romancières anglaises contemporaines. Elle vit dans le Norfolk avec le biographe Richard Holmes. Ses ouvrages parmi lesquels Le Don du roi, Musique et silence (Plon, 2004), et La Couleur des rêves (Plon, 2004), sont traduits dans le monde entier.
