Nobody knows yet that she is a murderer... Abandoned at the gates of a London park one winter''s night in 1850, baby Lily Mortimer is saved by a young police constable and taken to the London Foundling Hospital. Lily is fostered by an affectionate farming family in rural Suffolk, enjoying a brief childhood idyll before she is returned to the Hospital, where she is punished for her rebellious spirit. Released into the harsh world of Victorian London, Lily becomes a favoured employee at Belle Prettywood''s Wig Emporium, but all the while she is hiding a dreadful secret... Across the years, policeman Sam Trench keeps watch over the young woman he once saved. When Sam meets Lily again, there is an instant attraction between them and Lily is convinced that Sam holds the key to her happiness - but might he also be the one to uncover her crime and so condemn her to death? Praise for Rose Tremain: ''One of the very finest British novelists'' Salman Rushdie ''One of my favourite writers'' Nina Stibbe ''There are few writers out there with the dexterity or emotional intelligence to rival that of the great Rose Tremain'' John Boyne
Juste avant que n'éclate la Seconde Guerre mondiale, dans un petit village suisse, deux jeunes garçons vont se lier d'amitié. Gustav, à l'enfance difficile, est orphelin de père. Celui-ci, un policier local a permis, malgré les ordres des autorités, à des réfugiés juifs d'entrer dans le pays. Selon Emilie, sa veuve, la crise cardiaque qui l'a emporté après la guerre, n'est pas étrangère à ce comportement. Elle reporte son amertume sur Gustav. Anton, lui, est un pianiste prodige, choyé par des parents juifs très aisés, qui ont pour lui une très grande ambition et veulent qu'il réussisse une carrière de concertiste. Gustav est invité par Anton et ses parents à les accompagner à Davos, où ils vont nouer une amitié encore plus forte, au cours de longues promenades dans les bois qui scelleront leurs solitudes. Si Anton expérimente de terribles tourments psychologiques à l'idée de se produire en public dans des concours musicaux, Gustav de son côté vit une existence de profond désarroi avec une mère qui a perdu son emploi et dont les expériences amoureuses sont sans lendemain.
Les années ont passé, Gustav a ouvert un hôtel à Matzlingen, son village natal. Un jour Anton, devenu professeur de piano, viendra le rejoindre et ensemble ils partageront une existence enfin apaisée. Traduit de l'anglais par Françoise du Sorbier
She was ''The Angel of the Baths'', the one woman whose touch everybody yearned for. Yet she would do more. She was certain of that. In the city of Bath, in the year 1865, an extraordinary young woman renowned for her nursing skills is convinced that some other destiny will one day show itself to her. But when she finds herself torn between a dangerous affair with a female lover and the promise of a conventional marriage to an apparently respectable doctor, her desires begin to lead her towards a future she had never imagined. Meanwhile, on the wild island of Borneo, an eccentric British ''rajah'', Sir Ralph Savage, overflowing with philanthropy but compromised by his passions, sees his schemes relentlessly undermined by his own fragility, by man''s innate greed and by the invasive power of the forest itself. Jane''s quest for an altered life and Sir Ralph''s endeavours become locked together as the story journeys across the globe - from the confines of an English tearoom to the rainforests of a tropical island via the slums of Dublin and the transgressive fancy-dress boutiques of Paris. Islands of Mercy is a novel that ignites the senses, and is a bold exploration of the human urge to seek places of sanctuary in a pitiless world.
What is the difference between friendship and love?
Gustav grows up in a small town in Switzerland, where the horrors of the Second World War seem a distant echo. But Gustav's father has mysteriously died, and his adored mother Emilie is strangely cold and indifferent to him. Gustav's life is a lonely one until he meets Anton. An intense lifelong friendship develops but Anton fails to understand how deeply and irrevocably his life and Gustav's are entwined until it is almost too late...